Game Changer, the upcoming film of Ram Charan and Shankar is gearing up with its Fourth Single. The promo of the Fourth Single, titled Dhop will arrive today at 6:30 PM as confirmed by the makers. This will be a romantic number composed and picturised in Shankar’s usual style of making. A poster highlighting this has also been released.
Three songs of the film released till now composed by Thaman made a decent noise. Dhop now will aim to take it further. The song is also known to be picturised lavishly bringing in much richness. This is also expected to turn as a highlight for the film. The dance moves of the lead pair will also add as a spectacle for the fans and audience. The full song will be out on 21st December.
Game Changer is all set for a grand release on 10th January 2025 as a Sankranthi bonanza. Shankar is hoping to give a big comeback after witnessing a huge disaster with his previous film, Indian 2. He put all his efforts into Game Changer which will also decide his fate.