Game Changer, latest film of Actor Ram Charan and Director Shankar is gearing up for its Third Single. The Two singles which were released till now had received good response from the audience. Now, Music Director Thaman will be looking to do the same again. A poster featuring the lead pair from the song promises Shankar mark grand visuals coming our way.
The Third Single will be out on November 28th on YouTube. The song will be a romantic and melody ride picturised in scenic locations that follows Shankar’s regular style of making. The song is also about to bring the romantic touch to the film. The team is looking to come up with even more exciting content after this. Game Changer’s teaser has already been released and it received a staggering 48 Million+ Views in 2 weeks.
The pre-release event of Game Changer has also been planned grandly in USA to attract the audience there. This event will take place in Texas on December 21st amidst large NRI crowd there. Subsequently, events will also be planned here after this to raise the hype ahead of the release scheduled on 10th January 2025 as a Sankranthi Bonanza. Shankar is working hard to give a comeback with Game Changer to come out of the embarrassment he had with Indian 2 earlier this year.