Ram Charan’s highly anticipated film Game Changer is expected to take full advantage of the 2025 Sankranti season. With a potential release on the Friday preceding Bhogi, which falls on Monday, the movie is set to enjoy an uninterrupted 10-day window at the box office, providing a major boost to its collections. This strategic timing gives Game Changer a clear edge, especially with only one significant competitor, NBK109, releasing during the same period.
The Telugu states’ business for Game Changer is projected to be around ₹150 crore, with Andhra contributing ₹70 crore, Ceded is expected to be at ₹25 crore, and Nizam valued at approximately ₹55 crore for the Telugu states ratio. The buzz surrounding the movie is slowly building, with expectations for the teaser to release around Diwali.
If the teaser is well received by the audience, it may raise expectations on the movie to new heights, further improving its possibilities. Using the Ram Charan mania to enhance the film with powerful promotions, the movie team can propel it to even greater success.