RRR lead Actors Ram Charan and NTR are currently busy with their upcoming film, Game Changer and Devara. RRR became a Pan India Blockbuster with fans and audience hoping the actors to repeat the same magic with their next films. Likewise Game Changer and Devara had great hype. But Game Changer and Devara updates and content released fall flat to fans and audience’s disappointment.
Devara is very much better than Game Changer in terms of promotional activity. The team released time to time updates but Game Changer has completely failed in this aspect. Anything that released from the film was only a song long ago. There was no content released from the film. But now after great pressure, the team released a poster of the second single. But the release date has not been mentioned. This is very poor.
Devara trailer poster released today but the poster didn’t look striking to the eyes. It was completely off. The team could have released some other poster for the trailer release annoucement. Both Game Changer and Devara failed in certain aspects. This is not at all a good move from the teams. We have to see how these two films fare after the release. The Rajamouli Curse is still waiting.