Bollywood actor Sunny Deol has surprised everyone with his latest film, Gadar 2, which was released on August 11th. The Bollywood trade expected the film to get good collections, but no one expected the film to join the club of 500 net. The mass elements, songs in the film and sequel helped the film to register some fantastic records on the single screens of Hindi belt.
After 4 weeks of run, finally Gadar 2 nos have been dropped massively due to the latest release of Shah Rukh Khan, Jawan. The film needs to collect more than 10Cr net to break Pathaan’s Hindi India net but at this pace it looks like quite impossible and at the same time, Jawan has all the chances to break Pathaan numbers and settle as no 1.
The net collection of Gadar 2 in India is around 515 crore as of now. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, the previous industry hit, is the current all-time record grosser of Bollywood with 525 crore net. Jawan, SRK’s new film, has been released on numerous screens and has received unanimous positive reviews. It’s likely that Gadar 2 won’t be able to break Pathaan’s records. Now Jawan is expected to break Pathaan by a good margin.
Gadar 2 is a sequel to the popular movie Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, which was released in 2001 and produced by ZEE Studios. In the movie, Sunny Deol played the role of truck driver Tara Singh, while Ameesha Patel reprised the role of Sakeena from the first part, which is based on the 1947 Indian Partition backdrop. In Gadar 2, Tara Singh crosses the border in a risky effort to rescue his son, Utkarsh Sharma, who is being held captive in Pakistan.