The Independence Day weekend clash has worked wonders for Bollywood. The competition between OMG 2 and Gadar 2 has brought many audiences to the theaters. Both the films have achieved some big milestones in their first week run at the worldwide box office. Truly, the success of these films has helped the Bollywood get back into the game.
Sunny Deol’s sequel to Gadar, which is directed by Anil Sharma, has been performing exceptionally well and is on the way to becoming an all-time blockbuster for Bollywood. It has already exceeded 250 crores gross in India and reached the 300 crores milestone globally. However, most of the contribution in its collections came from India alone because the performance at overseas is not that great.
Gadar 2 earned 284.63 Crores net in India, which is equivalent to 335.86 crores gross in the first 7 days. Akshay Kumar has OMG 2 collected 85.05 Crores net, which is equal to almost 101 Crores Gross in India.
Overall, both the movies are super successful at the box office and Gadar 2 is phenomenal and hunting all-time records with excellent consistency in its run. The film is still expected to gather more numbers in the near future.