Gabbar Singh 4K was re-released on the occasion of Pawan Kalyan’s birthday. The film had fans going frenzy at theatres. The film has opened to massive numbers in both Telugu States. Gabbar Singh 4K collections are an All Time Record beating Mahesh Babu’s earlier Murari 4K re-release.
In Andhra Pradesh, the film has collected 3 crore gross and in Telangana it contributed around 2.7 crores gross. The Total Telugu states gross now stands at 5.7 crores. Rest of India Gross is close to 80 Lakhs. Overseas gross is reported to be around 70 Lakhs. The total gross on the opening day will be around 7.2 crores which is phenomenal.
This is an All Time Record for any re-release. Recently we saw Murari 4K opening with big numbers of above 5 crores worldwide. Now, Gabbar Singh 4K has exceeded this by a big margin. It needs to be seen how the film performs today as well. Fans of Pawan Kalyan have been waiting for a film for a long time. This has also been one of the reasons Gabbar Singh 4K’s huge opening. The film now looks to beat the full run record of Murari 4K re-release. So, let’s wait for some more days to see a new record.