Varun Tej’s latest film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, directed by Praveen Sattaru, was released in theaters yesterday. The movie is said to be made with the biggest budget in the career of hero Varun Tej but unfortunately, the film opened to a disastrous response from everyone, and it registered the worst opening in Varun Tej’s career.
The film has been made with a massive budget in Varun Tej’s career, but shockingly witnessed a disastrous opening ever in his career. The film has received negligible shares in all territories and the overall worldwide share will be less than 1Cr, which shows what kind of disastrous opening the film has got.
Because of such a bad talk, the movie does not have any chance to witness any jump over the weekend as well. Mostly it will end up less than 4Cr share closing which makes it the biggest disaster ever in Varun Tej’s career.
Nowadays, the pre-release hype is important for any film. Especially if it is a different concept film and tier 2 heroes’ film, then it should gather as much as craze because that will help the box office prospects of the film. If a film fails to do so, then it will be really difficult for the film to get going at the box office. Varun Tej’s latest film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, has suffered from the same problem.