Vishwak Sen’s Gaami has created a lot of positive buzz ahead of its release on 8th March. The film is expected to open well and the US premiere numbers and advance booking trends domestically are extremely encouraging. Directed by Vidyadhar Kagita who has also written its screenplay alongside Pratyush Vatyam, Gaami has become Tollywood’s hot topic due to its extraordinary visuals and great production values.
Gaami, like Kantara, has got the potential to develop into a pan-India project. But that’s not what the makers are looking for right now. Looking at the Gaami trailer and posters everyone feels it has universal content and appeal and should be made into a pan-India project. But the makers have Gaami opted for Telugu release only first.
Vishwak Sen said that the unit didn’t ask the director for other languages since it might take seven more months. Gaami has been in production for quite some time and going for a pan-India approach would have caused further delays.
He also added that they are thinking of following Kantara’s footsteps. The Rishab Shetty starrer was released in other languages two weeks after the original Kannada version. The team is hoping the Telugu version does well and then they can capitalise on the buzz and go for other language releases.