Early this morning multiple gunshots were fired outside Bollywood star Salman Khan’s home in Mumbai. The incident happened at 5 am today when two unidentified men on a motorcycle fired five rounds in the air outside Mr Khan’s home, in Bandra, and sped away from the scene.
A bullet also hit the first floor of the Galaxy Apartments where Salman Khan resides. According to the police investigation a foreign pistol was used in the firing. Mumbai Police has launched a probe into the incident and is trying to track down the individuals who fired the shots.
Salman security has already been a matter of concern for the police for quite some time. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) last year released a list of the top 10 targets of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi which Salman Khan was in the top spot.
Lawrence Bishnoi has reportedly targeted Salman Khan for his involvement in the 1998 black buck hunting incident. Mumbai Police escalated the Bollywood star’s security status to Y+, following another threat call made on April 11 last year.