Controversial director Ram Gopal Varma has been releasing movies online calling it as RGV World Theatre. It all started with Mia Malkova’s Climax and later he released Naked. Recently, he premiered Power Star and as a part of promoting it, he tweeted the posters of Power Star put in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
A twitter user posted a counter tweet to this and tagged GHMC and City Police alligating that RGV is using government property to promote his movie and asked to action against RGV. The same day GHMC responded to the citizen’s tweet and imposed 4000/- fine on Ram Gopal Varma for unauthorized poster publishing in the public place which is a violation of GHMC act. RGV planned a few more digital releases like Thriller, CoronaVirus, 12 O’ Clock and Murder. Should see how many controversies these projects will create.