For almost six years SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali 2 had a record of all time highest grosser in Hindi in India minting a solid Rs 510 crores. Baahubali was also the 1st 400Cr and 500Cr film in Hindi version and this record was expected to be beaten by KGF 2 which failed to do so. Finally, Bollywood Badshah Shahrukh Khan’s Pathaan has managed to do so.
Pathaan which released on 25th January and got off to an all-time highest opening in Indian cinema has crossed the Rs 510 crore mark in Hindi and has achieved the all-time highest collection in Hindi. Pathaan has already grossed Rs 1000 crores worldwide and has achieved milestone collections overseas in every territory.
Now, Baahubali 2 and Pathaan are the only two Indian films to have achieved the Rs 500 crore mark. With Pathaan, Shahrukh Khan made one of the greatest comebacks for a star hero in history. He finally had a blockbuster with this movie after a long break. The film has already broken numerous records and is on its way to doing more in the coming days.
Pathaan also benefitted massively from the star power of Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. The film’s massively laid out action sequences and high production values, Salman Khan’s cameo attracted crowds in large numbers all over.