Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt’s life is full of twists and turns. Even his biopic was released 2 years ago and became the highest grosser in Ranbeer’s career who played the title role in Sanju. He was introduced to Bollywood as Sunil Dutt’s son but later gained everyone’s attention with back to back successful films.
Meanwhile, in the early 1990’s he was arrested and jailed in connection with Bombay blasts and carrying the illegal weapons and it was taken about two years for him to get the bail and he was again sent to prison twice. Finally, he was released in 2016. Recently, he was admitted to the hospital with lung cancer and is being treated.
Sanjay Dutt is now working for KGF chapter 2 in a powerful antagonist role Adhira but a few days ago, a petition has been filed in the Karnataka High Court alleging that Sanjay is ineligible to act in a Kannada film. After many hearings, Karnataka High Court gave the final verdict in the favour of Sanjay Dutt.
Finally, the petitioner withdrew his petition as he had nothing to prove that an ex-prisoner is not eligible to act in movies. However, the team of KGF is very happy with the verdict and is in await of Sanju to join the sets and it’s only 30-day shoot is remaining that involves Sanjay Dutt. KGF 2 eyed the Sankranti release of 2021. If everything goes well, KGF Chapter 2 will hit the screens in the next Sankranti season.