Ajith Kumar’s next film, Vidaamuyarchi, which will be directed by Magizh Thirumeni, is a highly anticipated film. After Thunivu’s success, Vidaamuyarchi was announced as the 62nd film, but the fans were very disappointed with the film not making any progress after the announcement. Finally, Vidaamuyarchi is set to begin the shooting in this month end.
After all the delays, the shooting schedule is locked for the film. The first schedule has been planned for the last week of September in Abu Dhabi. It was already reported that actress Trisha was finalized for the female lead role. It is also said that the team is in talks with Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and young, dynamic actor Arjun Das to play the crucial roles.
The film will be made by talented director Magizh Thirumeni. Along with the film announcement, the unit also revealed the film’s title. The film, which was referred to as AK 62, was titled Vidaa Muyarchi. The music for the film will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander. Vidaamuyarchi continues the ‘V’ sentiment of Ajith, out of his last 10 films, 6 of them have been titled with the letter ‘V’.
Magizh Thirumeni’s Vidaa Muyarchi is said to be an out-and-out action entertainer starring Ajith Kumar in the lead role. The remaining cast details will be announced soon, and the technical crew includes music composer Anirudh Ravichander, cinematographer Nirav Shah, and designer Gopi Prasaanna.