Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming films are moving ahead with on and off schedules with the actor being busy with his political commitment along with film ones. He will be next seen in Samuthirakani’s Vinodaya Seetham remake along with Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh and Hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Amidst these uncertainties, the producers got another shock when the news of the Janasena chief’s Bus Yatra was announced. The yatra was supposed to start from Dusshera where the actor turned politician would tour extensively and meet people.
This meant that he would be able to give less time to the shootings and created quite a tense situation for the producers.
The producers can breathe a sigh of relief as Pawan Kalyan has postponed his bus Yatra. It may start next year and the producers are expecting that the Power Star will complete his shooting part before this for his movies.
Already there has been a lot of delay for Hara Hara Veera Mallu. The makers have been continuously postponing the release date as well. It was supposed to release this summer and was postponed to Dasara 2022 and then to Sankranthi 2023 and now from Sankranthi to it has been postponed to Summer 2023.
We will have to wait to see if Krish and the team can at least release the film on this date or if there is another delay.