Recently released Hrithik Roshan starrer, Fighter received a lukewarm response from the public. The film which also stars Deepika Padukone is directed by War fame, Siddarth Anand. Fighter initially carried a lot of hype but ended up being an average grosser. But it seems the film is doing very well on OTT. Fighter has beaten Dunki and Salaar on Netflix to much surprise.
This is a great achievement considering the film’s average performance in the theatres. The film was made on a lavishing budget and deals with a mission performed in the Indian Air Force. The film has debuted with 5.9M Global views. That’s bigger than Netflix Blockbusters, Dunki with 4.9M views, and Salaar with 1.6M views. Interestingly, Top Gun Maverick starring Tom Cruise garnered less views than Fighter.
Salaar had less views because Netflix bought only the South Indian views. The Hindi version of Salaar was sold to Disney+Hotstar which premieres after 4 weeks of release on Netflix. Fighter is trending #1 in many countries on Netflix and it may continue to do well in the coming days as well. Fighter is trending at #3 in the Non-English films category globally which is a remarkable achievement for the team.