The film ‘Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha,’ presented by mega producer Allu Aravind, is being produced by the prestigious production company GA2 Pictures. Bunny Vas, a successful producer, is bankrolling the film. Following the success of films such as Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, Geetha Govindam, Taxiwala, Prathi Roju Pandage, Most Eligible Bachelor, and 18 Pages, the film “Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha” will be released under the banner of GA2 Pictures.
Kiran Abbavaram, a young hero who has earned special recognition for himself through a string of successes, plays the hero. The female lead is played by Kashmiri Pardesi. The film’s first single, “Vaasava Suhaasa,” was recently released by the film’s team
“Yuga Yugaluga Prabhodamai
Padhi Vidhaluga Padhe Padhe
Paliketi Saaya
Jaadale Kadha Nuvvedikinadhidaina
Chiruniki Jarigina Chirunavvula Praasa
Chigureyaka Aaguraa
Ninnu Marchina Ninnati Anchunaa”
This song’s complex lyrics were written by lyricist kalyan chakravarthy tripuraneni. This song has been well received and is receiving positive response rom everyone.
Famous lyricist Chandra bose, recently responded to this song with heartfelt words. “among the songs that I have heard recently, a very rare and valuable song – a song that gives me a sense of surprise when I listen to it – vaasava suhaasa from the movie Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha – one has to have immense knowledge and talent to write this song and one has to have the language culture to accept it – heartfelt wishes to the poet kalyan chakravarthy”, said Chandra Bose.
The film is being edited by Marthand K Venkatesh and the cinematography is provided by Vishwas. Babu is acting as the co-producer of this film. Satyagamidi and Sarath Chandra Naidu are the executive producers of this movie which will release on February 17, 2023. More details about this film will be officially released soon.