Family Star starring Vijay Devarakonda and Mrunal Thakur was released yesterday. The film had received a poor response and the talk was very divided. The film’s advanced books too told the same story before the release. Its performance on Day 1 is also no less than them and let’s look into the box office collections area-wise.
Family Star Day 1 Telugu States Share is as follows:
Nizam: 1.8 Crores
Andhra: 1.6 crores
Ceeded: 0.45 crores
The total Telugu State share stands at 3.85 crores. The rest of India+ Overseas is around 2.5 crores. The Total worldwide share will be around 6.35 crores.
This is a poor performance considering the performance of Vijay Deverakonda’s early films. The budget, star cast, and combo of Vijay Deverakonda and Parasuram didn’t even excite the audience which is utterly shocking. Everyone expected the film to become a big blockbuster but these numbers indicate a different story.
If the same momentum continues for the weekend then it may well become a big flop. The break-even mark of the film stands at 45 crores and the recovery made on Day 1 is only 14%. So much is needed to be done by the team to rescue themselves. They had already planned a felicitation ceremony for real-life Family Star.