Family Star, the recent film of Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur tasted a bitter experience at the box office. The film received negative reviews on its opening day and ended up securing a disastrous result. The team expressed confidence about the revival of the film but it didn’t happen and the film shocked fans and the team. The box office run of the film has ended and the buzz is Family Star will be arriving on Amazon Prime Video early in the next weekend which is just 3 weeks after the release.
The film made less impact on the opening day further deteriorating its performance during the weekend. The competition with already running Blockbuster Tillu Square also cost a lot for the film. Family Star had the magical combo of Parasuram and Vijay Deverakonda who had collaborated after the blockbuster, Geetha Govindam but it didn’t repeat the magic again and became an embarrassment for the duo. It also happens to be Mrunal Thakur’s first flop in her Telugu ventures.
Vijay Deverakonda faced his 5th consecutive disappointment with the Family Star. He hasn’t said anything about the film’s result yet. But the actor is currently working for a film under Gowtham Tinnanuri, the fame of Jersey.