Samantha will be making her digital debut with the Family Man 2. The second season of this spy thriller web series is going to be bigger and more intense this time around. Starring Manoj Bajpayee and Priyamani alongside Samantha, Family Man 2 trailer will be releasing on May 19. The official streaming date of the web series will also be revealed on the same day
Raj and DK, directors of the spy thriller web series recently shared a pic of the actress with them. The picture appears to be taken on set with the actress in her look from the show. The Family Man look of the actress has indeed surprised many.
There have been rumours that ‘Majili’ actress is playing the antagonist role in this season named Raji. Fans are eagerly waiting for the Family Man 2 trailer and the web series subsequently to know more about her role.
Although Samantha had hosted a talk show ‘Sam Jam’ for Aha, the season was short-lived due to lack of interest. Family Man 2 will be her debut web series and fans are eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of her.