False rumors are surrounding Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming films. In the industry circles, a new set of rumors started on Pawan Kalyan’s lineup that he is doing a film with Blockbuster Director Atlee and he will also work on a film with Surender Reddy. The PSPK fans were a bit confused with False rumors surrounding Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming films.
However, these reports are said to be absolutely baseless and false. Pawan Kalyan wants to focus only on politics currently and reportedly he is expected to complete only those projects which he is committed to. He is not interested in committing or even listening to new scripts.
Pawan Kalyan’s Concentration is only on Politics
It is widely known that Pawan Kalyan is busy with his political assignments and as the leader of Janasenani he aims to spend full time on politics. OG, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, and Hari Hara Veera Mallu are the three films that the actor is currently working on.
Shooting for OG will commence after the AP General Elections. Following the completion of OG, he will work for Ustaad Bhagat Singh before moving on to Krish’s directorial.
Even after the elections, Pawan will take a big break from films and the chances are only for OG Sequel to happen if the first part becomes a massive success as it is being planned as a two-part film, and he is not committed to any other projects.