Helmed by Venkat Prabhu, an ace director of Tamil cinema, The Greatest Of All Time is a sci-fi action drama film starring ‘Thalapathy’ Vijay in the lead role. Initially titled #Thalapathy68, it is bankrolled by AGS Entertainment on a massive budget; the film’s songs and background score are composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
Easily one of the biggest films of the year, here is some exclusive information about the ongoing project. According to a reliable source, Vijay will be seen in dual roles as the protagonist and antagonist of the film. Trisha, a celebrated on-screen companion of Vijay, will be seen in a cameo appearance.
The source has also added that a dance number from The G.O.A.T will feature Vijay and Prabhudeva. The duo earlier shared screen in the song ‘Pokkiri Pongal’ from the film Pokkiri (2007). However, unlike their previous appearance, which was only a small part of the song, The G.O.A.T dance number will feature them throughout the song.