The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has sent notices to Tollywood actor Navdeep in connection with the Madapur drug case. This action is the result of a previous investigation by the Narcotics Bureau regarding the same case. The Narcotics Bureau had previously investigated Navdeep.
On the 10th of this month, he has been summoned by the ED to appear before them. Navdeep Pallapolu was questioned about his interactions with Nigerian drug peddlers who were arrested in Bengaluru on September 14 during a recent investigation related to a case filed at Gudimalkapur police station.
Navdeep had approached the high court stating that he had nothing to do with the drugs case. He had filed a petition seeking to see that he should not be arrested. The court had ordered that no arrests be made until September 19. The deadline given by the court has been completed now. It remains to be seen how Navdeep will react to the ED notice.