Malayalam cinema, or Mollywood, is one of the five major film industries in India, along with Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Kannada. It’s currently enjoying a dream run at the box office, with Premalu and Manjummel Boys performing exceptionally well. Despite this, the filmmakers of Malayalam seem to be unhappy with a trend in the entertainment industry: movie reviews.
According to them, critic reviews, which come out within hours of screening the first show, are killing the footfalls of films; the filmmakers of Malayalam have even approached a local court regarding this issue. As per sources, they demand a minimum gap of two days from the release for critics to publish reviews on the web, so it allows the audience to form their own opinions and not blindly follow a website or YouTube channel.
Even people in the Telugu film fraternity have openly requested that the media wait for one day before publishing reviews. It must be seen how the court reacts to this case, which is killing not just Malayalam films but films across languages.