The makers have trashed Eagle Release Date rumors. It is widely known that after Tiger Nageswara Rao, Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja teamed up with Director Karthik Ghattamaneni for the film Eagle. The movie’s makers, People Media Factory, have repeatedly confirmed that there is no change in release plans and trashed all the rumors regarding Eagle’s Release Date.
There have been heavy rumors in the distribution and industry circles that Eagle movie was out of Sankranthi competition and opted for Republic weekend. So, with this kind of unwanted report spreading, the makers officially confirmed the release date again. The makers have trashed Eagle Release Date rumors, and it will be released on January,13,2024.
Postponement rumors are not new for Eagle
This is not the first time Ravi Teja’s Eagle has faced postponement rumors. Previously, the makers denied the change in the film’s release date. The producers do not want to postpone the movie.
Eagle Trailer, Cast and Crew Details
The trailer for Eagle is rumored to be released soon, ending the online speculation about the release date. It is expected that an official announcement will be made shortly. Let’s hope the theatrical trailer of the film ends all the rumors. Navdeep, Srinivas Avasarala, and Madhubala played critical roles in this People Media Factory production, hitting theaters on January 13, 2024. The music is composed by Davzand.