Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki’s release date is locked. Now the question is will Salaar get preponed? It is widely known that the Bollywood Badshah, King Khan, and Pan Indian Star Prabhas will face each other this Christmas weekend. The release date for SRK and Hirani’s emotional drama, Dunki, was not announced till now, but the latest reports have it that Dunki’s release date is locked.
Recently, in the promotional content of the film, the team did not mention the release date and just informed it as a Christmas release, which created a dilemma for the fans. However, a theater standee given the clarity that Dunki is getting released on 21st December
Now we need to wait and see whether Salaar prepones the release to 21st December for a date-to-date clash or if it sticks to the original release date of 22nd December to avoid a clash. For a solo release day, Dunki was preponed from the 22nd to the 21st, and we need to wait and see what the team of Salaar will do.
The Dunki team initially planned for December 22nd, but Salaar was announced to be released on the same day, and Bollywood was buzzing about the Dunki team’s plan to move to December 21st for a solo release day. The makers of Dunki seemed to be in a dilemma about the release date as they had removed the release date from the promotional content.
The teaser for the film, which was released on Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday, had no release date specified. Neither the new posters nor the teaser have confirmed the release date yet, and it was only mentioned as a Christmas release. But as said above, Dunki will be released on December 21St December.