Shah Rukh Khan is having a terrific year with back to back 1000 crore grossers like Pathaan and Jawan. Fans are expecting a hat-trick for King Khan with Dunki. With less than a month to go for Dunki release, the makers are releasing promotional content with an expectation to create some buzz. However, Dunki has not grasped the audience’s attention in the range fans expected.
There were huge expectations for this combo of Raj Kumar Hirani and Shahrukh Khan but the promotional content is not working up to the expectations. The team has so far released drop1, drop2 and drop3. Drop1 worked decently as it was the film’s teaser. Drop2 and Drop3 are songs and both of these didn’t manage to create an impact.
Dunki now has a very low buzz compared to Shahrukh Khan’s recent films Pathaan and Jawan despite of solid combination. The film now definitely needs a solid trailer which will decide many things and can create massive hype. Dunki competitor Salaar trailer was released and received mixed responses but as of now, Salaar has better buzz and hype.