The makers of Suriya’s upcoming pan India film Kanguva dropped the glimpse of their movie on the occasion of the hero’s birthday. The glimpse was terrific, and it has impressed the fans of Suriya and other audiences very well, and they are eagerly awaiting the release of the film now.
The glimpse is a sure shot hit because it was successful in showing the Kanguva’s world and introduces Suriya’s character effectively. The framework is also very new and unique, along with a striking background score.
The heroism impact went to another level as towards the end of the video, Suriya enters in a different getup mouthing a one-liner throwing that gun and the song that describes his courage. This effect is further enhanced with the final shot of Suriya’s face with arrows of fire coming up. DSP’s striking BGM has added value to the glimpse.
Overall, the glimpse of Kanguva looks very grand and Suriya looks ferocious with ultimate screen presence and getup. The main highlight of glimpse is the striking BGM from DSP. The BGM is receiving a huge response from audiences, and they are expecting a nothing less than a blockbuster album and background score from him in the film.
The other technical values are also very superior right from the camera work, grading, VFX, and the background score as mentioned above. Kanguva’s glimpse has for sure created a buzz around the movie without revealing anything about the story. If the future promotional materials have a similar vibe, this could be another potential film from the South Indian Cinema in the pan-Indian films arena.
Studio Green, UV Creations and KVN Productions are jointly producing the film that is directed by Siruthai Siva. Disha Patani is the female lead and the film is scheduled to be released in Summer 2024.