There is a common factor between Vijay Deverakonda’s Family Star, Nani’s Saripodha Sanivaaram, and Ram’s Double iSmart. As pan India movies are struggling to release on their planned dates due to pending work and delayed VFX and post-production works, medium-budget movies are locking those release dates. This has happened in the past as well when Salaar was delayed and several small movies moved their release date to Salaar’s release.
Devara is another example of the same. It was planned for 5th April release. As there are chances of Devara being postponed, Vijay Deverakonda’s Family Star is locking this release date. Once Devara’s official announcement is out, Family Star’s release will be announced and Dil Raju has officially confirmed the same.
The same is the case with Nani’s Saripodhaa Sanivaaram which is eyeing Pushpa 2 Independence Day release. There are chances of the Sukumar film being postponed as there is nearly 50% of shoot still left and just 200 days to release. Nani’s film will release on 15th August if Pushpa 2 is postponed.
And now, the same is happening with Ram’s Double Ismart. It was first planned on 8th March. Due to pending works, it has moved to the May release. The team is looking for 9th May if Kalki gets postponed. But if Kalki releases as planned, then Puri will go for 23rd May.