Megastar Chiranjeevi and Kalyan Krishna joining hands for a family entertainer was the latest news that has been doing rounds in the industry circles for a few days. The movie supposedly required a young pair to play an important part, and the team approached Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Sree Leela. At first Siddhu was interested in doing the role, but now it is said that he said no to the film. Now the team is searching for another hero for the same role.
Siddhu Jonnalagadda, the young and energetic actor, is currently focused on the sequel of DJ Tillu and the movie is set for a release in October. Siddhu Jonnalagadda has also reportedly increased his fees and is in talks for many interesting films. The rumors took over after his name was speculated in the next Megastar Chiranjeevi film, to be directed by Kalyan Krishna. The film will be launched officially on August 22nd on the occasion of Chiranjeevi’s birthday and the regular shoot will follow afterward.
According to the reports, Siddhu Jonnalagadda has declined the offer to work with Megastar Chiranjeevi. So now he would not be a part of the project. The real reasons for its dismissal are unknown, but it is said that this young hero was not interested in doing supporting roles in another hero’s films, even if it is a senior hero’s film.
The makers are currently attempting to find the ideal actor for the role. There is a. chance for them to rope in Sharwanand’s to sign for the same role. Trisha is rumored to be selected as the female lead against Megastar and Sree Leela is considered for another important role. Chiranjeevi’s daughter Sushmitha Konidela will produce this untitled comedy entertainer.