Megastar Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan starter Acharya turned out to be disaster at the box office. The project launched as a mega project that created hide buzz across the industry. Successful director Koratala Siva who doesn’t have flop till now joined hands with megastar. The project turned a hot cake when Ram Charan roped in for full fledged role.
With all the above reasons, Acharya raised expectations. So the pre business was massive for the film. Now the table turned down and Acharya failed at box office. This has left exhibitors and distributors in dismay. Acharya’s budget is 140 crores and the film expected to bring profits to all the stake holders involved. But instead of profits, everyone is getting losses for the film.
The Karnataka Distributor Rajgopal twho incurred huge loss wrote an open letter to Chiranjeevi. The distributor hoping a compensation from Chiranjeevi mentioned that he has suffered loss of 75 percent. Now, the movie is coming on Amazon Prime Video earlier than expected. The helpless distributor expressed that he bought the movie one year back and so he ran into debts. Hence the distributor with positive approach asked chiranjeevi for help so that he can work for the hero’s future projects.