It seems the troubles for Shankar’s Indian 2 have not completely ended. The film has seen several delays so far with even the High Court of Tamil Nadu getting involved in a dispute earlier between the Lyca Productions and Shankar. Earlier, Shankar was accused by Lyca Productions that he had already used up Rs 180 crore of the allotted Rs 236 crores budget. The makers have demanded a restraining order on Shankar from working on any other project till Indian 2 is completed.
It all seemed to be a thing of the past and the makers even resumed the shoot looking to complete the ambitious project at the earliest.
But now, the film has found itself in another unwanted situation. Lyca Productions is not at all happy with Shankar’s making style. For 2.0 Lyca ended up with certain losses venture due to a high budget and lack of planning. The same seems to be an issue for Indian 2 Shankar’s schedules and constant delays in the film’s making and with him sharing his time between Indian 2 and Game Changer are creating huge problems for Lyca.
After the blockbuster success of Vikram, Udaynidi Stalin got involved and settled up things. But there is no change in Shankar’s working style and he made the budget go beyond the planned figure. In addition to this, the footage is more than 5 hours and most of the footage will be trimmed which means it was a waste and huge resource and budget loss. This has caused serious discontent amongst the makers of Indian 2.