Mega fans were surprised when Chiru had taken Sahoo fame Sujith for Lucifer remake. Lucifer is a powerful political drama featuring Mohan Lal in the lead role. Mega Star Chiranjeevi wanted to give a chance to the young director Sujith and asked to draft the final version of the script and suggested some changes reflecting the Telugu nativity. But Chiru seems dissatisfied with Sujith’s script work of Lucifer and also following the latest reports say that Sujith is now out of this project.
Sujith impressed the audience with his debut Run Raja Run but could not repeat the magic with high budget action film Sahoo. As Sujeeth may not be directing Lucifer Remake he started penning another script which will be produced by UV Creations who produced last two films of Sujeeth.Sharwanand or Gopichand might take up the lead role of this project. However, it’s still in the discussion stage and the more details are expected in the coming weeks.