Director Gautam Menon and Actor Vikram’s film, Dhruva Natchathiram is facing yet another postponement. The film which started years ago is still looking at the release date in a bizarre state. Many technicians got changed in the middle. Even the lead heroine of the film was changed in the middle of shooting. The film was originally planned with Aishwarya Rajesh who was later replaced by Ritu Varma. It is also officially planned as two parts now with the prequel titled Dhruva Natchathiram: Chapter One – Yuddha Kaandam.
The film is an action entertainer majorly shot in foreign locations. Director Gautam Menon also happens to be the producer of the film. His financial issues have affected the film’s release dates several times. The makers announced that all the issues were solved and the film would be released in the theatres in November last year. But it remained the same story. The film faced another postponement. Recently again, the team was confident of releasing it on 28th March and the same was informed to the distributors.
But the bad news is the film is about to face another postponement. The new date now announced is said to be 11th April this year. It needs to be seen how the team would stick to their word and end this postponement saga of Dhruva Natchathiram. Fans and audiences have been waiting for the film’s release for years. Hope the team finalizes the release date now.