The Choreographer Chaitanya, who became famous after appearing in the popular Telugu Dance show Dhee, has committed suicide on 30 April. He released a very emotional video message before the suicide. According to the information, Chaitanya had taken out loans and as he could not repay them, he felt pressurized by the financial commitments and took the unfortunate and drastic step.
In his video message, shared by a fan on Twitter, Chaitanya said, “My mom, dad, and sister took good care of me and ensured I didn’t face any problems. My sincere apologies to all my friends. I bothered many people, and my apologies to all.”
He also added, “I lost my goodness regarding money matters. Not just taking loans, but one should have the capacity to repay them. But I couldn’t do it. Currently, I am in Nellore, and this is my last day. I cannot bear the problems associated with my loans.”
Actors from the small screen and fans of Chaitanya could not believe the news and expressed their sadness after Chaitanya’s death. We at Track Tollywood express our heartfelt condolences to all of Chaitanya’s family, may his soul rest in peace.