Dhanush’s Vaathi is continuing its solid performance at the box office. The film’s Telugu version Sir has already created a solid mark in the Telugu states and hit the Rs 30 crores gross mark. The action drama movie is now on its way to Rs 100 crores gross at the box office.
Both the Tamil version [Vaathi] and the Telugu version [Sir] are maintaining a decent hold on weekdays too. The film has crossed the Rs 30Cr gross mark in Both Telugu states and Tamil Nadu.
Till now, the film has collected more than Rs 85Cr gross worldwide. Apart from Kerala, the film has performed well in all other territories and now the film is heading towards a Rs 100Cr gross mark. Dhanush’s powerful performance and GV Prakash’s solid BGM helped the movie immensely in drawing crowds. The film’s core concept of education and its commercialization also won the love of audience.
Venky Atluri has directed this film which also stars Samyukta Menon, Samuthirakani, Hyper Aadi, and Sai Kumar among others. Sir has been produced by Sithara Entertainment and the music is scored by GV Prakash.