Dhanush’s upcoming film, Raayan is currently under shoot. The film also stars Sundeep Kishan playing a pivotal role. Songs composed by Oscar Award composer, A.R. Rahman have alreay been released recently. Raayan has also finished its Censor formalities. This Censor Report of Raayan indicates the film as a violent and Intense one.
Raayan has been awarded with a A certificate. This is a surprising censor report for a Dhanush’s film. Raayan’s plot summary is also revealed. It shows how a series of unfortunate events lead Raayan to be dragged into a dreaded world of crime and manipulation. The posters of the film depict this dark theme as well. So the film will portray violent scenes for sure. The film’s duration is also stated as 145.12 minutes i.e.,. 2 hours and 25 minutes. This is a crisp run time.
Raayan is currently scheduled to release on 26th July worldwide. Dhanush is looking to score a big blockbuster with this film. His previous outing Captain Miller which was projected as a Pan Indian biggie did just average at the box office. Now, he hopes to bounce back with Raayan big. He is also working for Kubera co-starring Veteran Actor, Nagarjuna under the direction of Sekhar Kammula. Both Actors shot for some scenes recently in Mumbai as well.