Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram is now up and streaming on Netflix. Karthik Subbaraj has directed this gangster drama that also stars Aishwarya Lekshmi, Joju George, Kalaiyarasan, Sharath Ravi, and James Cosmo. The film premiered on Netflix at 12:30 PM in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, English, and Hindi simultaneously.
Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram features the actor playing the role of Suruli, a Tamil gangster with global ambitions. Recently’ Dhanush spoke about the movie on a Twitter space. “I like Suruli very much and kept pestering Karthik Subburaj to write a sequel to Suruli. My fans will also love this character and the film. I am also confident that besides my fans, others will also appreciate this film,” he said.
Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram was initially planned for a theatrical release but the makers later decided to go the OTT route due to the pandemic. This move evoked negative response from Dhanush who wanted the movie to release only in theatres.
“I feel like I waited for this film for a long time now. Finally, this movie is going to reach people, and I am very excited. I wish this film could have been released under better circumstances. And that makes me a bit unhappy,” Dhanush added.
Watch the much awaited gangster drama here.