Dhanush, the Tamil star hero, is very much popular with the Telugu audiences as well. He recently appeared in the bilingual Telugu-Tamil film SIR/Vaathi. The movie has become a massive blockbuster in both the languages, and it is also the highest grosser in the actor’s career. The actor sung a few Telugu songs in the past. Now he will be singing for another Telugu film, “Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty.”’
It is very well known to everyone that young and upcoming actor Naveen Polishetty will be seen alongside Anushka in Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty. The latest announcement from the film’s unit is about the arrival of the movie’s new song. The song is titled Hathavidhi, and it will be sung by none other than Dhanush.
In the video, we see Naveen trying to convince his director and producer that he is going to sing the song. But they refuse his funny efforts and take Dhanush on board for the same. By the looks of it, this song is a catchy number. We will have a full idea of it on May 31 because the full version will be unveiled on that day.
Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty is directed by Mahesh Babu P and produced under UV Creations Banner. It has Naveen and Anushka in the lead roles and being made as an out-and-out comedy entertainer.