Tamil Actor Dhanush has been struck in a controversy again. He became popular when he was involved in a controversy started by Tamil Singer, Suchitra. She alleged some of the Tamil Industry people resorting to unethical means. The singer also alleged both Dhanush and Tamil music Director Anirudh sexually harassing her. But she became quiet for some time and resurfaced now again. She made a sensational claim saying Dhanush was gay.
Dhanush recently had divorce with his wife Aishwarya, daughter of Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth. Many were shocked to see the couple falling apart after nearly 18 years of marriage. They even felt that the above-said controversy could have become an issue between the couple. But the couple refrained from saying anything about the divorce. Now Suchitra claimed that the couple cheated on each other which also became a sensation.
Dhanush is maintaining a strategic silence regarding this whole controversy. It’s better if Dhanush comes forward and responds to Suchitra’s allegations rather than staying silent. It also sends a wrong message to his fans and audiences as well. Dhanush maintained silence during the #Suchileaks incident as well. But the situation is totally out of hands now and he should set things right for his good.