A few years back, Andhra Pradesh was the biggest market for Telugu cinema. The 6 Territory’s market was equal to or even more than the combined of Telangana and Ceded. Mid-night shows, hiked prices and other special shows gave massive opening numbers to several films till a few years ago.
But recently, G.O. to control ticket prices and no midnight shows put the Andhra market in the backseat while Nizam with the midnight shows permission and a big hike in ticket prices marched ahead. With this, the movies started collecting significantly more in Telangana than entire Andhra Pradesh.
Now Andhra market is all set to bring back the olden days with Devara. As per an official GO, the movie got permission for 6 shows on opening day including midnight shows and 5 shows from day 2. The hike is Rs 135/- for Multiplexes, and Rs 110/- for single screens balcony along with a Rs 60/- hike in single-screen second class for two weeks. A huge opening is now expected for Devara and if the talk is positive, then the sky is the limit.