Devara is the upcoming film of Tollywood Actor NTR. The film is all set for worldwide release on 27th September. It has completed all the formalities and the censor certification has also been done. The film was awarded with U/A certificate and has a runtime of nearly 3 hours. Devara’s censor cut details are also officially out and let’s go through them.
The cuts suggested were only for 4 scenes and they felt regular ones as well. Two kicking scenes of the film were excised and a person’s body hanging on sword was also removed. The shot of NTR being on top of a shark which was shown in trailer was ordered to have a CGI disclaimer attached on the sceen. The team is also hoping big on this shot and scene which can be evident. Apart from these, nothing much was censored.
NTR is also hoping to score big with Devara to have a Pan India image. He had already lined up War 2 co-starring Hrithik Roshan and NTRNeel. Devara will be a crucial player in deciding his future prospects. The film is also a crucial one for the Director Koratala Shiva who suffered a big failure with his previous film, Acharya.