Actor NTR starring Devara shooting is happening at a brisk pace. The film’s first lyrical song is getting ready for the release. The song is named “Fear Song” which will be composed by Maverick Music director, Anirudh Ravichander. The posters and the song’s glimpse make one feel that Devara represents a Bloodbath all over in the making.
The film’s director, Koratala Shiva right from the beginning described the film as a blood filled one. NTR too says such dialogue in the released glimpse of the film. Now the Fear Song too promised the same again. Anirudh Ravichander released the glimpse of the song where he was seen performing for the song along with the some visuals of NTR in the film. The posters and some lyrics of the song too depict the film as a Bloodbath film.
Devara will released in two parts. The first part will release this year in the October month. The film made on a Pan India level will see NTR wanting to establish himself as a Pan India Star. He even planned his debut in Bollywood with War 2 starring alongside Hrithik Roshan. NTR has also started shooting for his portion in War 2.