Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Anand Deverakonda starrer Baby has been recording astonishing collections right from day 1. The film registered great numbers over the first weekend and continued its stupendous run on weekdays as well. Weekday collections were also on par with the first weekend collections and that is a testament to the movie’s strong performance.
Heavy rains also failed to put a break to Baby’s collections. The romantic drama directed by Sai Rajesh collected around Rs 2.5Cr gross on the 11th day and the share stands close to Rs 1.5Cr. Starring Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Anand Deverakonda, and Viraj Ashwin in lead roles and Naga Babu in key role, the film created a strong impact right from day 1. The music by Vijay Bulganin managed to attract the youth and create great buzz for the movie way before its release.
The theatrical rights of the film were sold at just 9 crores which the movie has recovered long back and it’s a dream run for all the parties involved. Looking at the superb consistency, the theater owners have added shows and screens as there is a good demand for the film, and they are receiving heavy returns fulls with an exceptional turnaround of the crowd.