On the occasion of leading lady Deepika Padukone’s birthday, the makers of Project K released a special poster from the film. The still captured Deepika Padukone’s look from the movie and the actress can be seen in a futuristic avatar. This poster has definitely heightened fans’ expectations on the movie and they are eager to see what kind of look Prabhas will have in the film.
The poster featured the words ‘A Hope In The Dark’ which could signify a strong warrior-like character that the actress may play.
The silhouette poster featured the actress in cropped hair and unique costume which perfectly fits the sci-fi genre of the film. Along with Deepika, the film will also co-star Amitabh Bachchan in a key role.
Already Nag Ashwin and Aswini Dutt have taken the anticipation to another level with their statements about Prabhas’ Project K. Speaking about the project, Nag Ashwin earlier said that it’s a completely new attempt at showing something massive on silver screen. Prabhas’ Project K is one of the most anticipated movies of Indian cinema. The film features a talented list of cast and crew and will have some never before visuals.