Dasari Arun Kumar, the son of legendary director Dasari Narayana Rao was arrested on Thursday for rash driving. The actor was driving in Road No. 10 Banjara Hills when he in a drunk condition crashed into a couple of two-wheelers.
He was immediately caught by patrolling policemen as he attempted to escape the scene of the collision. The actor was brought to the Banjara Hills Police Station. The incident happened at 10:30 PM on Wednesday.
The police have registered cases against Dasari Arun Kumar under Sections 279, 336, Motor Vehicles Act as well as Drunk and Drive cases. He appeared before the police earlier today and due action will be taken against him. This is not the first time he has ended up on the wrong side of the law.
Just last year an SC/ST Atrocity case was booked against Arun Kumar for making derogatory and castist remarks against an ex-employee. A case was booked against him in Jubilee Hills police station in this regard.