Nani’s Dasara has indeed brought festive joy and celebrations to the entire team. The movie opened with a career-best opening for Nani and collected Rs 6.5 Crores in Nizam on opening day, which is on par with Tier 1 Heroes. Dasara has produced mind-blowing numbers and continued its stupendous run on day 2 and day 3 as well. Even today, the film has great bookings and has done good collections till noon shows.
By today, this Srikanth Odela film is expected to collect close to Rs 45Cr making it the career biggest film for Nani by crossing MCA which is around 40Cr share. It has performed brilliantly and within just 4 days, the movie has crossed Nani’s career-best MCA which is sensational.
The film has performed brilliantly in Nizam and is close to the Rs 15 crore mark now. Directed by Srikanth Odela, and produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri, Dasara has Keerthy Suresh, Dheekshith Shetty, Sai Kumar, Samuthirakani, Shine Tom Chacko, Poorna in crucial roles.
Dasara is a story of three childhood friends- Dharani (Nani), Vennela (Keerthy), and Suri (Dheekshith). Set in the 90s in Veerapally village in Telangana, The film’s core plot plot revolves around how these lives get entangled and change forever due to village politics, coal and Silk Bar.