Dasra is the biggest opener in Tier 2 hero’s films. This Srikanth Odela film starring Nani and Keerthy Suresh registered a terrific opening and collected around Rs 20 Cr share worldwide. Since Dasara’s blockbuster opening, whenever a new film is released, there is a challenge to break this opening record. Unfortunately, every tier 2 hero film has failed to break this record so far.
Now Nani himself is taking up the challenge with Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. While this Vivek Athreya film is set to get off to a rocking start, the bookings are not in the range of Dasara. For Dasara, everything worked out well. It was a mass film and the audio was well received. This has not happened in the case of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram.
For Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, mass belts will not turn out as they did for Dasara, and Thursday’s release will also have some effect. The film is certainly getting off to a good start and if the word of mouth is positive, then it will have a big weekend.
That being said, Dasara will still prevail at no.1 position of tier 2 openers and the wait continues to see who will break this record.