Kannada hero Darshan’s Kaatera is releasing in theatres on 29th December. The film will compete with two massive pan-India movies- Prabhas’ Salaar and Shahrukh Khan’s Dunki. Darshan has stated that he is not bothered about this competition at all.
In a promotional event, he said, “Many people are saying Salaar and Dunki are coming to theatres next week and they will impact our film but I am saying why should we fear outsiders films like Salaar and Dunki?”. ” Kaatera is a Pakka Kannada regional film. It’s our film, our land and they should fear this film in Karnataka,“ he added.
Darshan stated that if Kannada cinema is good, Kannadigas have always encouraged it. I have not made any pan-India movie; this is a proper, original Kannada Cinema, made for Karnataka theatres. “We are coming on 29th December and we are caring or fearing about outsiders films,” he declared.
While Darshan’s point is true, many feel felt his statement was quite arrogant. KGF is a Kannada film but it was accepted by other languages films and the same happened with Kantara as well. Prashant Neel is Kannada director and terming his film as an outsider film is not a great move on Darshan’s behalf.