Daaku Maharaaj received a blockbuster response yesterday on the opening day. The film is expected to take 2nd best opening for Balakrishna with the initial advances but it opened with positive reviews everywhere. It also had massive walk-ins with Sunday’s holiday advantage taking the biggest and All time record opening for Balakrishna.
Veera Simha Reddy was the biggest opener for Balakrishna till now with more than 30 crores share worldwide. The early estimates for Daaku Maharaaj are around 32 crores which is a stunning start for the film. Theatrical rights of the film are valued at 80 crores out of which 40% was recovered on the opening day itself.
Daaku Maharaaj is also the preferred film today for the majority of the audience. The film will witness a sensational run today at the box office. There are also chances of getting 100 crores share in the long run for the film.